My Story
My first taste of working with silver was a number of years ago at a silversmithing group run by local mental health charity Oxfordshire Mind.
I had been through a tough time and felt I needed to try something creative.
I learned how to make a simple ring from silver and that was the start of my journey, during which I have attended a variety of courses and produced a number of unique, individual items of jewellery.
The first thing I ever made from PMC made was a small round pendant, using a button mould. After firing it just looked like a dull piece of clay. The next step however is where the magic happened. When I placed my pendant on a rubber block and began to scrub it with a wire brush, I began to see the silver shine emerging bit by bit until the whole pendant was gleaming.
That was the moment when I became hooked on using PMC.
Since then I have continued developing my skills in both silversmithing and precious metal clay by designing and making unique pieces for myself and for friends and family.
When was put on notice of redundancy from a job that I loved, I looked on this as an opportunity to finally realise my dream of turning my hobby into a career. I found I now had the time to experiment with new designs, and my redundancy money enabled me to buy more materials and produce my very first collection of items for sale.